Cluster Frontline Demonstrations on Toria Var. TS-38

Name of KVK KVK Chirang
Crop and Variety Toria Var. TS-38
Name of farmer & Address Mr Prasanta Brahma, Pub Makra, Bijni, Chirang
Background information about farmer field Medium land, rainfed and drainage facility
Details of technology demonstrated Improved variety, Integrated Nutrient Management, Integrated pest
Institutional Involvement Input Supply, Technology Backstopping
Success Point Yield enhancement, horizontal spread, increase in income
Farmer Feedback Satisfied, interested to more expansion of area in next year
Outcome Yield (q/ha)  
Demonstration 8.6
Potential yield of variety/technology 12
District average (Previous year) 8
State average (Previous year) 6.6
Potential yield of variety/technology 45574
District average (Previous year) 7.48

Performance of technology vis-à-vis Local check

Specific Technology Yield (q/ha) Gross cost (Rs/ha) Gross income (Rs/ha) Net income (Rs/ha) B:C ratio
Farmer practices 6.4 21,770.00 32,640.00 10,870.00 1.50
Demonstration 8.6 25,890.00 44,860.00 18,970.00 1.73
% Increase 34.38 - 37.43 74.52 -