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Success Stories

ARYA Success story 1

Name of Entrepreneur: IsacLepcha
Address: Malling, North Sikkim, (Sikkim)
Age: 37
Educational Qualification: Class X Passed



✎ Impactanalysis:

Impact factor Before start of ARYA After adoption of ARYA (2022)
Name of enterprise Piggery Piglet Production Unit
Size of enterprises (No. of bags/beehives/fingerlings/area etc.) 2 females + 1 male 6 females+1 male
Individual/Group Individual Individual
Yield 25 piglets/year 108 piglets/year
Cost of Production / unit 42000 126000
Gross income 112500 513000
Net income 70,500 387000
Marketing Local market FPO’s and Local Market
No. of functional unit at start :
No. of functional unit at present : 1


IsacLepcha, 37, a farmer from Malling village in North Sikkim is making handsome profits from pig farming. Starting with a unit of 4 females+ 1 male pigs in 2019 which was distributed by KVK under the ARYA project, he now has around a total of 15 pigs (both adults and piglets). Like Isac, a large number of farmers are adopting pig farming due to its high returns. Farmers rear pigs for breeding purpose (piglet production) as well as meat production. A live pig can be sold at Rs. 230 to Rs. 260 per kg whereas piglets male and female can be sold @ Rs. 5000 and Rs. 4500 respectively. Due to the initiation of ARYA project there has been employment generation for rural youths and women beneficiaries. As there is a high demand for pork meat in the district the youths can easily sell off their produce at the nearest market. Hence, the youths are self-employed and have a constant source of income.



ARYA Success story 1

Image Nameof Entrepreneur :Leo Fernandez
Address: Diphu, Rongkhelan, KarbiAnglong, (Assam)
Age: 36
Educational Qualification: H. S pass



✎ Impactanalysis:

Impact factor Before start of ARYA After adoption of ARYA (2022)
Name of enterprise No existence of enterprise Poultry farming
Small scale Meat processing unit
Size of enterprises (No. of bags/beehives/fingerlings/area etc.) NA Sausages: 400 pkt per month
Poultry farming
Individual/Group Individual Individual
Yield NA Sausages: 4800 pkt per year
Cost of Production / unit NA Rs 100/pkt (weight160 g each)
Gross income NA Rs 4,80000.00 per year
Net income   Rs168000.00 per year
Marketing NA Marketing are mostly done through local market along with supply to Nagaland, Guwahati, Shillong
No. of functional unit at start : 2
No. of functional unit at present : 2


Leo Fernandez, a resident of Rongkhelan, Diphu got interested in ARYA after he attended the training and supported for establishment of poultry unit and meat processing. And this was the time his life took a U-turn and got changed completely.Initially, he got 100 chicks. Fed them and within 50- 60 days, he earned an amount of Rs.16500.00/- by selling culled 40 male birds. He then again bought 50 more chicks of his own and started rearing them. By this time, he gained some experience and accordingly he sold some of the male chickens to bear the feed and maintenance costs of his unit. He kept on increasing flock size and earned an income of Rs. 18000.00/- per batch. Earlier he started with a single breed which was Rainbow rooster but later on he also started rearing Turkey, Quail, Vanarajaetc.
He also succeeded in making a low-cost hatchery unit consisting of a thermostat, a bulb and a fish packaging thermocol box. The cost in making this hatchery unit was within Rs. 2000.00. He then started hatching eggs and very soon was successful in obtaining the market of chicks selling in Diphu and nearby areas as well. In his hatchery, he used to hatch eggs of poultry birds like Rainbow rooster, Turkey, Quail etc. At present, he is earning a monthly income of Rs. 20,000-30,000 by selling all his products (Chicken, all poutry birds’ eggs and all poultry chicks). For his innovations and hardwork, he also received the Best farmer award from the Director of Extension Education, Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat in the KisanMela conducted by KVK, KarbiAnglong on 26th Feb 2019. Presently, he has established a meat processing unit. At the end of the day, from all the enterprises he is earning an amount of Rs 4,80000.00 perannually.
This life changing upliftment in Leo’s life inspired lots of youths in the area and wanted to join along with him. Seeing this many youths came forward to KVK and approached for such benefits, training and guidance.