Cluster Frontline Demonstrations on Soybean var. JS-335

Name of KVK KVK Upper Subansiri
Season Kharif
Crop and Variety Soybean Var. JS-335
Name of farmer & Address Mr. Tabin Dugi, Village: Kuporijo, Block- Dumporijo, PO: Dumporijo, 791122, District: Upper Subansiri (Arunachal Pradesh)
Background information about farmer field Farmers are grow local variety in long time due to non-availability of improved variety and most of the seed are infected pest and disease. Local variety take much time for maturity of crop.
Details of technology demonstrated Varietal performance of Soybean, Variety : JS-335 and seed inoculation with rhizobium strain @ 6-8 g/kg seed
Institutional Involvement  KVK Supplied quality Seed of Soybean, Variety : JS-335, rhizobuim. Besides that technical guidance and support also provided for successful completion of CFLD from seed sowing to harvest.
Success Point 1.    Adoption of scientific cultivation of Soybean as per package and practice
  2.   Less pest and disease incidence
  Harvested 3q more yield per hectare than earlier practice (Farmer’s practice)
Farmer Feedback  Good yield than local variety.
Outcome Yield (q/ha)  
Demonstration 17
Potential yield of variety/technology 25
District average (Previous year) 12
State average (Previous year) 10

Performance of technology vis-à-vis Local check

Specific Technology Yield (q/ha) Gross cost (Rs/ha) Gross income (Rs/ha) Net income (Rs/ha) B:C ratio
Farmer practices 14 40000 112000 72000 1.80
Demonstration 17 43000 136000 93000 2.20
% Increase 21.42 - 21.42 29.17 -