Cluster Frontline Demonstrations on Soybean var. JS-335

Name of KVK KVK Dhubri
Season Kharif
Crop and Variety Soybean Var. JS-335
Crop and Variety Sesamum; var. Bahuabheti
Name of farmer & Address Mr. Ramkrishna Das, Village-Kholisatari, Block-Mahamaya, District-Dhubri
Background information about farmer field Farmer used to grow some upland crops like toria in rabi. The field was fallow prior to sesamum cultivation
Details of technology demonstrated i.     Variety: Bahuabheti
  ii.    Seed rate: 4 kg/ ha
  iii.  Vermicompost @ 20 q/ha
Institutional Involvement ·     Provided training and awareness programme on scientific production technology of sesamum
  ·     Field visit
Success Point Enhancement of yield after adoption of scientific technology
Farmer Feedback  Farmers find the variety superior than their own variety
Outcome Yield (q/ha)  
Demonstration 8.3
Potential yield of variety/technology 45574
District average (Previous year) 7.48

Performance of technology vis-à-vis Local check

Specific Technology Yield (q/ha) Gross cost (Rs/ha) Gross income (Rs/ha) Net income (Rs/ha) B:C ratio
Farmer practices 6.90 26,400.00 62,100.00 35,700.00 2.35
Demonstration 8.30 28,200.00 74,700.00 46,500.00 2.64
% Increase 20.28 - 20.28 30.25 -