Cluster Frontline Demonstrations on Soybean var. Js-9560

Name of KVK KVK Tawang
Season Kharif
Crop and Variety Soybean; Variety: Js-9560
Name of farmer & Address Smt. Tseringbu, Village - Khleting, P.O. - Lumla, District - Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh
Background information about farmer field The farmer's field has good potential for Soybean cultivation but currently, the production is low due to the use of local variety and lack of adoption of scientific packages and practices for groundnut cultivation.
Details of technology demonstrated Variety: Js-9560, Seed treatment with rhizobium culture @ 50gm/kg seed.
Institutional Involvement Training of the farmer for scientific cultivation of soybean and regular field visits.
Success Point
  • Enhancement of yield: 17.50 q/ha
  • No infestation of pod borer
Farmer Feedback Farmer agrees to increase the area of soybean cultivation next year.
Outcome Yield (q/ha)
Demonstration 17.50
Potential yield of variety/technology 20.00
District average (Previous year) 11.00
State average (Previous year) 10.50

Performance of technology vis-à-vis Local check

Specific Technology Yield (q/ha) Gross cost (Rs/ha) Gross income (Rs/ha) Net income(Rs/ha) B:C ratio
Farmer practices 11.5 43000 97750 54750 2.20
Demonstration 17.5 52000 148750 96750 2.80
% Increase 52.18 - 52.18 76.72 -