Cluster Frontline Demonstrations on Groundnut Var. TG-51

Name of KVK KVK Dhubri
Crop and Variety Groundnut; Variety: TG-51
Name of farmer & Address Janaj Ali, C/O-Lt. Azgar Ali, Vill- Bhassanichar Pt.1, Block- Gauripur, GPS- 26.01265, 89.97165
Background information about farmer field Field was kept fallow during kharif season as the land was a char area, so, it was inundated during monsoon season
Details of technology demonstrated Groundnut variety- TG-51, Vermicompost @ 2 t/ha
Institutional Involvement KVK, Dhubri was actively involved in the demonstration programme
Success Point Enhancement of yield up to 16.2 q/ha than the farmer practices
Farmer Feedback Satisfied with the variety due to higher yield. The variety has pods bearing 3 seed resulting in higher yield
Outcome Yield (q/ha)
Demonstration 16.2
Potential yield of variety/technology 21.00
District average (Previous year) 11.60
State average (Previous year) 8.80

Performance of technology vis-à-vis Local check

Specific Technology Yield (q/ha) Gross cost (Rs/ha) Gross income (Rs/ha) Net income(Rs/ha) B:C ratio
Farmer practices 12.3 20200.00 92250.00 72050.00 3.56
Demonstration 16.2 22560.00 121500.00 98940.00 4.38
% Increase 31.70 - 31.70 37.32 -