Director Message
Dr.Govindasamy Kadirvel
(ICAR-ATARI, Zone-VI, Guwahati)ICAR-ATARI, Guwahati office foundation stone was laid out by Hon’ble Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Shri Radha Mohan Singh at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Centre, Kahikuchi on 14th February, 2016 and started functioning fully after joining of the Director on 9th May, 2017. ICAR-ATARI having jurisdiction of 3 states viz. Assam, Arunachal Pradesh & Sikkim mainly engaged for coordination, monitoring and reviewing of mandatory activities of KVKs such as technology assessment, refinement and demonstration. At present a total of 47 KVKs are under jurisdiction of ATARI, Guwahati out of which 26 in Assam, 17 in Arunachal Pradesh and 4 in Sikkim. Three new KVKs have been established viz.DimaHasao, Dibang Valley and KurungKumey out of which two KVK (Dibang Valley and KurungKumey) yet to be fully functional.
The Institute is coordinating, monitoring and reviewing of the various programmesviz.ParamparagatKrishiVikasYojana (PKVY) and New Extension Methodologies and Approaches (NEMA) along with its ongoing projects viz., Farmers FIRST, National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA), NFSM- Pulses and NMOOP –Oilseeds which is being implemented through the KVKs.
Despite of inadequate regular staff, ICAR-ATARI, Guwahati has put no stones unturned for better performance in terms of coordination, monitoring and reviewing of the 47 KVKs under its jurisdiction. The Institute has published its first “Annual Report 2017-18” which was released by the Hon’bleMinister for Forests, Fisheries and Excise, Govt. of Assam, Mr. ParimalSuklabaidya in the State Level Farmers Fair organized by ATARI, Guwahati on 16th December, 2018. The Institute maintaining strong liaison with ICAR Headquarters as well as other National and International agencies in facilitating percolation of scientific knowhow from research institutes to the field. During this period this institute has published 19 nos. of research papers, 15 nos. of Abstract, 8 nos. of bulletin, 7 nos. of article, 10 nos. of technical article, 7 nos. of book chapters. During the last three years, two State level Farmers’ Fair has been successfully organized with a mega participation of farmers,Mr. ParimalSuklabaidya, Hon’ble Minister for Forests, Fisheries and Excise, Govt. of Assamand Shri Atul Bora, Agriculture Minister of Assam witnessed the same as Chief Guest. We hope in the near future ICAR-ATARI, Guwahati can definitely fulfill the needs and expectations of the farming community with active support of various stakeholders.